
Easier’s Community Standards



We’re cultivating a space for a community that wants to play a part in changing how the world works together. We’ve built a global network of writers, designers, producers, videographers, business owners, and professionals across hundreds of industries, who use Easier every day to create something they believe in. We’re inspired by each and every one of our community members. We value their perspectives, beliefs, and views—they are what makes Easier so dynamic.

In order to maintain a respectful, inclusive, and safe environment for everyone, we’ve created a set of community standards to serve as a moral compass for behavior on our platform. These standards help define what is acceptable in the Easier community and marketplace, and explain how violations are enforced. They aren’t tied to any law, but are used to govern our platform policies. They reflect our attitudes, expectations, and social norms. Our community standards are rooted in our core values — respect, safety, acceptance, support, and open-mindedness.

Just like our community, these standards will continue to grow, evolve, and change. We have embedded examples in the community standards for unacceptable activities on Easier. Please note that these are intended to be examples only and not a complete list.

We encourage our community to use our reporting tools when encountering anything that is unacceptable. We want to create the best experience for all community members, and ask that you respect and follow these guidelines.


Misrepresentation is defined as fraudulent, negligent, or innocent misstatements, or an incomplete statement of a material fact.

Misleading profile information

Do not:

  • Post a fake name, location, gender or photo in your user profile.
  • Present a fake ID document if asked to.
  • Write misleading content in your profile description, skills or education.

Integrity and Authenticity

Misrepresenting Service elements 

Do not:

  • Copy Services descriptions, packages and other Service elements from other users.
  • Raise the price of your Services in personal messages before or after purchase.
  • Bait-and-switch marketing is not acceptable.
  • Have someone else present you in your S
  • Post non-original images or images you do not have the right to use in your Services.
  • Post non-original videos or videos that you do not have the right to use in your Services profile.
  • Deliver non-original work or send non-original work samples.


Requesting or providing services intended to mislead others.


Deepfakes are created using artificial intelligence technology that superimposes the movements and words of one person onto another. While there are many legitimate applications of this technology, including mainstream filmmaking, deepfakes can also make it harder to combat the spread of disinformation and potentially easier to dismiss real events as fake. We monitor deepfake activity closely and will review reported cases on an individual basis.

Testimonial services

Do not post, offer or ask for a testimonial which is a written or spoken statement of a person extolling the virtues of a product or a service.

Paid reviews

Do not post, offer or ask for paid reviews, positive or negative feedback on any product, service or performance.

Fake engagement and traffic

Do not post, offer or ask for:

  • Followers, subscribers, fans or views on social media platforms.
  • Fake engagement on any platform.
Promise a service outcome which is not in your control 

In certain instances, sellers may be tempted to promise outcomes of their service which is not in their control. For example, guaranteeing to restore your Amazon account or promising an exact amount of viewers for a Youtube video by its digital promotion. Please refrain from promising outcomes that are not in your control because it misleads buyers.

Fake documents

Do not post, offer or ask for the creation, changing or editing of official documents such as IDs, passports, drivers license, bank statements or death and birth certificates.

Fake News

Easier defines Fake News as false or intentionally misleading information or propaganda that is developed and presented as authentic news. Manipulation, disinformation, false information, and conspiracy theories have always existed, however, technological advances have allowed such information to be well-produced, widely distributed, and consumed on such a scale that it now threatens to undermine democratic institutions worldwide.

Easier is committed to fighting the spread of fake news. Therefore, if it is reported or flagged that Easier’s platform is being used to create or promote the spread of fake news; we will investigate and take action accordingly.

Third Party Violations

We do not allow the Infringement of third parties terms of service on Easier. As a valued member of the Easier community, we ask you to respect the broader Internet community and refrain from such violations in your Services offerings. Services that will be flagged for violations of third parties terms of service will be removed from the marketplace.

Do not post, offer or ask for services that Infringe third parties terms of service.

Unethical Services

Easier’s marketplace is open for sellers to offer any creative and productive service they wish to propose. With that being said, we ask to refrain from offering any unethical service. For example, taking part in doing someone else’s academic work (which will likely be submitted as the student’s own work) or requesting academic work to be done for you, is unethical since it violates most schools’ Honor Codes and constitutes copyright infringement. Easier does not allow this type of fraudulent activities and it will not be permitted on our platform.


We define spam on Easier as messaging activity that is unwanted, repeatedly occurring and disruptive to the experience of recipients. Spam can take many forms ranging from unwanted offers to commercially-motivated solicitations that aim to drive traffic or attention to websites, products, and services outside of Easier.

Please respect our members’ privacy by not contacting them with offers, questions, suggestions or anything which is not directly related to their Services or orders.

Do not:

  • Contact our users with offers, questions, suggestions or anything unrelated to their Services or orders.
  • Send multiple unsolicited or deceptive messages.
  • Abuse our communication tools to distribute mass messages.

Objectionable Content

Hate Speech

Easier defines hate speech as words or ideas that are designed to incite violence or hatred against a person, or group of people, defined on the basis of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, religion, age, disability, or other similar ground. We believe that the spread of hate speech online not only affects the groups or individuals that it targets, it also negatively impacts society in general, including those who speak out for freedom, tolerance, and non-discrimination.

While Easier believes deeply in freedom of expression—which not only includes information or ideas that are perceived as positive, inoffensive, or neutral, but also expression that might seem offensive, shocking, or disturbing to some—we’re also committed to moving swiftly and correctly to investigate conduct that has been flagged as hate speech, and will respond in a manner that is consistent with existing laws and the values of the company.

We take hate speech violations very seriously, and anyone using hate speech towards another user or towards our customer support representatives will be removed from Easier. We will also take action against any user asking or delivering hate speech related content on Easier.

Do not:

  • Use violent or dehumanising speech against a person or group of people defined on the basis of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, religion, age, disability, or other similar ground.
  • Publish, offer or ask for any content that expresses or supports discriminatory ideas.
  • Offer or ask for the writing or editing of texts that supports discriminatory behavior and ideas.

We do allow people to offer or ask for content regarding the research of hate-speech or content that is related to the prevention of hate-speech.


Under Easier’s community standards, discrimination means unfair or unequal treatment of an individual or group based on age, disability, ethnicity, gender, marital status, race, religion, and sexual orientation.

Easier will investigate claims of discrimination on a case-by-case basis, and defend protected groups whenever possible.

Do not:

  • Express your unwillingness to work with a person or a group of people based on age, disability, ethnicity, gender, marital status, race, religion, sexual orientation, or other similar ground.
  • Publish, offer or ask for any content that expresses or supports discriminatory ideas.
  • Offer or ask for the writing or editing of texts that support discriminatory  ideas or practices.

Adult, Nudity and Sexual Activity

Explicit content meant to be sexually gratifying is not allowed on Easier. If detected or reported, sexually explicit content will be blocked and participants could be banned from the marketplace. Services and deliveries portraying violent, graphic, or humiliating fetishes are also not allowed.

Sexually explicit content featuring minors and content that seeks to sexually exploit minors is prohibited on Easier. We immediately report content that violates this policy to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, who work with global law enforcement agencies.

Documentary Exception

Easier will allow nudity when the primary purpose is educational, scientific, or artistic, and it isn’t gratuitous. For example, a video edit ordered by a midwife depicting proper breastfeeding technique would be appropriate, while creating a video with clips from the same film but used out of context for the purpose of sexual gratification, would not. Out-of-context nudity from indigenous communities, protests, medical procedures, childbirth, artistic performances, breastfeeding or like, may not meet our documentary exception.

Do not post, offer or ask for:

  • Nude or adult related images or videos.
  • Sex or sexual partners.
  • Sex chats or conversations.
  • The execution of fetish scenarios.
  • Sexually gratifying modeling.
  • Content that depicts explicit sexual activity, unless the conditions for “documentary exception,” as listed above, exist.

Easier will act quickly to block transactions that features child nudity and will flag the offending account for review.

Intellectual Property

Easier content is based on User Generated Content (UGC). If you believe any of the uploaded content violates your copyright or a related exclusive right, you should follow the process described here.

Upon receipt of a report from a rights holder or an authorized representative, we will remove or restrict content that engages in:

  • Copyright infringement
  • Trademark infringement

Violence and Criminal Behavior


While we know that people sometimes express frustration or disagreement by threatening or calling for violence in non-serious ways, we can’t risk the safety of our community or the general public by ignoring threats of physical harm. We will attempt to consider language and context when distinguishing casual comments from credible threats to public or personal safety, but Easier will also act quickly to block accounts and may notify law enforcement when threats appear to be credible.

Do not:

  • Threaten violence against another community member.
  • Offer or ask for Services that threaten violence against individuals, groups or the general public.


Incitement means encouraging or asking other people to engage in unlawful conduct.  Be aware that inciting others to commit a crime may be a crime in itself, regardless of the outcome of the request.

Do not:

  • Ask for or instruct people to break the law.
  • Engage in activities of questionable legality.


International and domestic terror organizations are known to use the internet to create and spread propaganda designed to radicalize vulnerable people and to develop and distribute materials designed to foster and aid terrorist attacks. Terrorist use of the internet poses a threat to global security. Terrorist groups are always adopting new techniques to avoid detection, including sharing material via hacked accounts and subtly altering propaganda videos. Terrorist groups place a huge premium on reaching their audience quickly.

Do not offer or ask for:

  • The promotion of terrorist activities.
  • Services or products related to terror organizations or terrorists.
  • Editing Content linked to terrorist acts.
  • Recruitment to terror organizations.

We do allow people to offer or ask for content regarding the research of terror or content that is related to the prevention of terror.



At Easier, we care deeply about the safety of our community. If someone you’re communicating with expresses suicidal thoughts or is engaging in self-harm, please contact local authorities immediately and flag the content to our Trust and Safety or Customer Support teams.

If you’re going through an emotionally challenging time yourself or struggling with thoughts of suicide or self-harm, we urge you to seek immediate assistance. For 24-hour free, confidential and immediate support see: https://www.befrienders.org/