
Make a flyer design

Comics / Webtoons Author
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If you are a Novel, Comic, or Webtoons Author but you can’t draw the content, just give me the script or the brief, I will make…

А Man of Art
  • //easier-int.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/United-States-of-America.pngUnited States
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My areas of expertise include: – Logos   – Flyers    – Brochures       – Vectors – Posters – Banners   – Business Cards   – Graphics – Icons   – Postcards – E-book Covers   – Magazines – T-shirts  – Labels    –…

Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw.

After ordering I will provide the first draft. Then we can work on the revisions/minor edits to polish the project. And as a final result,…